Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Did you think I forgot about you?

You thought I made two posts and lost all interest, didn't you? Nawwww.
Not that I don't lose complete interest in what I am making at times (knitted yoga mat bag, "all-thumbs" mittens, and dozens of clothing alterations languish at the bottom of my projects pile)
Although it is better than the projects I complete and THEN lose interest in (lolita dresses and skirts, "knitted" chainmail, dozens of animal hats prototypes).
Perhaps my favorite kind of crafting forgetfulness is buying specific supplies and eventually forgetting what they were intended for. (sea-foam green yarn, 0.5m of beige charmeuse silk, 24 d-rings?)

But I must admit- I didn't complete any projects this week.... well, except for this pair of silver stockings.
Intended to be worn for a retro-themed masquerade party (thrown by Masq Halifax) I gave up my electro-slut idea to opt for a more elegant cocktail dress remniscent of swingin' ladies of the 50's.
I did need an iconic pearl necklace to complete my ensemble the night of the dance though. After trolling the mall and being appalled by the prices they were asking for a bunch of plastic beads string onto an elastic (like- $10 to $15) I went home, dug out my bead containers and rustled up a pearl necklace in about 50 beads and 20 minutes. Money-saving result!

Unfortunately, the party was geared mostly towards the 70's, 80's and 90's (err hello? The 90's aren't retro!) and I discovered that I'm not particularly fond of dancing to music of any of those eras, preferring instead the sweet sounds of current, modern-day synthesizer-produced music the likes of industrial metal and EBM.

But I digress from the aim of this blog... but who cares! It's my blog! So I might end up writing about my weekend every so often.

And so long as the subject is still about me, I can do this MEME!

The Rules:
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

As I was tagged by both La Belle Ecrivaine and The Dartmouth Soundsystem my participation is not only required, it is vital.

My factoids:

1) I have a severe addiction to magazines- I buy/receive via subscription about 5 a month. I think it is because I read so quickly and am in constant need of reading material and visual stimulation.

2) I like to get really close up to paintings and drawings (like, nose to the surface- close enough to set off alarms) to discern the marks that were used and every little subtlety of color, texture, pressure.... I can stare up-close at art like this for a really long time without getting bored.

3) I can't do crafts (i.e create anything that goes on this blog!) or even get motivated to begin unless I have music playing. Then I can usually go for hours without stopping.

4) Alcohol is poison to me- I don't like being drunk and don't think I will ever like the taste. As a result, I feel a bit of an outcast at most social events. It's a shame that I live in a town (nay, a society) with such a strong drinking culture.
That said, I love pot.

5) I recently got engaged to my boyfriend of 7 years and many people have asked me to take pictures of my ring. So here it is.

But the fact that accompanies it is this:
I am not a rings person (though I like and own lots of other jewelry). I generally never wear them because they feel cumbersome on my finger and becoming accustomed to wearing one is awkward when I am dependant on my hands. If I go about my daily life with a ring on, I will bump it on things constantly, fidget with it, take it off and forget to put it back on, etc.
Honestly, my preferred type of ring would be as thin as possible and have a completely smooth and unadorned surface. It would need to be a very good quality metal and be able to withstand being exposed to countless washings so I wouldn't have to bother removing it, ever. No bling for me, thanks.
So I love this ring to bits for what it represents, but you won't ever see it on me except for special occasions. P.S! Check out my pinky finger- it is crazy (the one on my right hand is worse) I think they were both broken at one point though X-rays reveal nothing)

6) That said, I can't stand the word "fiance/fiancee". I just hate the way the word sounds. I will continue introducing him as my boyfriend, thankyouverymuch. Or even better- "extra-special" or "totally exclusive boyfriend"

7) Annnnnd- I never wear makeup 90% of the time. Again, it is only worn for special occasions (mostly costumes~!) and only if I remember to apply it.

......I am not tagging anyone, therefore breaking the rules :( I don't know enough people in the blogsphere yet.
So- if any strangers happen across this- I invite you to do this meme!


La said...

Those stockings rule hard. Makes me excited to see what you're being for Halloween, yo.

What magazines are you subscribed to? I just got my first subscription to one called Real Simple in hope of organizing my cluttered life!

That ring looks huge! Holy bling!

Belle Ecrivaine said...

Those stockings are dazzling! It's a shame you didn't wear them out.

As for the seafoam green yarn, maybe you wanted to make a Loch Ness monster hat? Speaking of seafoam green, it should be called seafoam blue. I think it's more blue than green. Woah, tangent.

Re: #4. I hate the taste of liquor, too, thus my drinking consumption has plummeted over the past year or so. I am a bigger fan of pot now that I know when to stop before I suffer from "can't feel my hands for a week" side effects. That took a lot of fine tuning, and a lot of nights not being able to stop smiling like a fool or carry on a conversation for more than two seconds, but have the insane ability to kick butt at Mariokart.