Sunday, March 22, 2009

another month another... oh, you know

okay. here is the post about stuff with the thing.

Having a week off work gave me tons of free time so as not to stress out about the big move, but at the same time I went completely stir crazy. I crafted like mad, although along with the strict organized side of me, I finished all endevours perfectly on schedule. In no matter what condition.

First off, I cast on and completed this super steampunk aviator hat in three days.
It buckles underneath the chin, wowee.
I used fuzzy cream yarn to line the earflaps to mimic sheepswool.

I accidently clipped an enormous hole in the dead center front of the hat- can't you tell? It was bad. Real bad. As the alternative was chucking the whole thing and starting over (the only reason I didn't: wouldn't have enough brown yarn for another), I patched it up hastily with little regards to the appearance.

The inside is a mess of retarded intarsia.

I would like to remake it a size bigger, with less mistakes and lined completely with that fuzzy yarn, because it's awesome and was such a quick knit nonetheless, considering.

This month's Masq was "cult movie" themed.

me and my Masq posse.

Is it bad that I already owned most of the components of Amber Sweet's "Zydrate Anatomy" outfit? (as well as a Lydia outfit from Tim Burton's 1989 "BeetleJuice" for Meaghan?)
....don't answer that.
(here I am intimidating Kitt, as Shilo. If only they had played the actual song-- as we were perfectly prepared to reenact the scene)

Seriously, besides the lace for the bolero and the beaded trim and sequined elastic I dismantled to adorn the corset and the bra, I only needed buy the wig.
I was dying to share my costume-making technique with other party-goers (who I assumed would know about Repo?!) Mostly, I got hit on by girls because I am asian.

So yeah, the "skirt" took about 3 hours to make (a long time, for a bunch of straps) while the bolero took 30 minutes. The bra was hand-beaded, one sequin at a time.
Makeup took a long time too (courtesy of wonderful Meaghan).

I was absolutely freezing all night, due to complete lack of pants. I was wearing TWO corsets (one ultratight elastic, one boned) and was squeezed outta my life. The underbust miracle bodysuit was designed to push tits together so that plus a push-up bra ensured my boobs consistently pointed UP and OUT and painfully so (that is NOT my normal posture, realize).
The false eyelashes were murder, (i'm a lightweight when it comes to contacts to boot) the wig kept sliding around, and I stumbled around on numb, aching feet, my organs packed tightly inside my squashed ribcage, simultaneously sweating and shivering and feeling tripped out of my skull.

At least I was in character.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

owl obsession

This month's craft blog is devoted to the big (and well-deserved) hype of the month: Watchmen. I will be seeing it again soon for the third time in 2 weeks (but this time in IMAX. So. Excited.) And I loved it. (You either do or don't) But probably the reason that keeps me going back is the overwhelming amount of man candy in a single movie.

...even with the weight gain and retro haircut! Dan was always my favorite in the graphic novel (underdog? nerdy? gentleman? multiple costumes? awesome ship? HELLO FANTASY BOYFRIEND) and the movie just cemented the crush.

On that note- which Nite Owl fan doesn't have an obsession with the infamously cute snowsuit from the graphic novel? (look it up in the book if you don't know what it is- don't have a pic to post) Inspired by posts of fan plushies across the internets (mostly of Rorschach) I knew it MUST be done.
Time: 9-10 hours / Material: Felt, Fleece, Faux Fur, Acrylic paint, stitchwitch, plastic buttons

This is my very first attempt at making a custom plushie (entirely self-drafted pattern). Considering it was about 90% handsewn I think it came together extremely quickly (there is also a strong motivation aspect when being propelled by fandom)
The coat is not removable and the legs are only continued up to the waist. (where they are then sewn to the coat)

I call it "Version 1.0" because I definately plan to make another one to perfect the design- although the prototype was definately necessary to test the effectiveness of the pattern.
Version 2.0 will include:
- felting the brown "feathers" detail into the fleece, instead of paint
- refining the sewing and stuffing
- more ovalish eyes
Because it was such a success, I did consider making an entirely separate doll to be encased in the coat but it would simply be too much for my skills (and wouldn't get the desired cuddly chubbiness that this plush boasts)

Of course, I lamented this version was not in the movie (probably cause it looks like the kind of coat grannies wear) but I appreciated the high-tech version with zip-up snuggie sleeves. Perhaps he could have put the hood up- but then the chorus of "awwwws!" would have drowned out the soundtrack.

Next in the plan: Rorschach plushie with changeable masks!!!