Sunday, March 22, 2009

another month another... oh, you know

okay. here is the post about stuff with the thing.

Having a week off work gave me tons of free time so as not to stress out about the big move, but at the same time I went completely stir crazy. I crafted like mad, although along with the strict organized side of me, I finished all endevours perfectly on schedule. In no matter what condition.

First off, I cast on and completed this super steampunk aviator hat in three days.
It buckles underneath the chin, wowee.
I used fuzzy cream yarn to line the earflaps to mimic sheepswool.

I accidently clipped an enormous hole in the dead center front of the hat- can't you tell? It was bad. Real bad. As the alternative was chucking the whole thing and starting over (the only reason I didn't: wouldn't have enough brown yarn for another), I patched it up hastily with little regards to the appearance.

The inside is a mess of retarded intarsia.

I would like to remake it a size bigger, with less mistakes and lined completely with that fuzzy yarn, because it's awesome and was such a quick knit nonetheless, considering.

This month's Masq was "cult movie" themed.

me and my Masq posse.

Is it bad that I already owned most of the components of Amber Sweet's "Zydrate Anatomy" outfit? (as well as a Lydia outfit from Tim Burton's 1989 "BeetleJuice" for Meaghan?)
....don't answer that.
(here I am intimidating Kitt, as Shilo. If only they had played the actual song-- as we were perfectly prepared to reenact the scene)

Seriously, besides the lace for the bolero and the beaded trim and sequined elastic I dismantled to adorn the corset and the bra, I only needed buy the wig.
I was dying to share my costume-making technique with other party-goers (who I assumed would know about Repo?!) Mostly, I got hit on by girls because I am asian.

So yeah, the "skirt" took about 3 hours to make (a long time, for a bunch of straps) while the bolero took 30 minutes. The bra was hand-beaded, one sequin at a time.
Makeup took a long time too (courtesy of wonderful Meaghan).

I was absolutely freezing all night, due to complete lack of pants. I was wearing TWO corsets (one ultratight elastic, one boned) and was squeezed outta my life. The underbust miracle bodysuit was designed to push tits together so that plus a push-up bra ensured my boobs consistently pointed UP and OUT and painfully so (that is NOT my normal posture, realize).
The false eyelashes were murder, (i'm a lightweight when it comes to contacts to boot) the wig kept sliding around, and I stumbled around on numb, aching feet, my organs packed tightly inside my squashed ribcage, simultaneously sweating and shivering and feeling tripped out of my skull.

At least I was in character.

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